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In case of an accident, you want coverage to help take care of your employees and protect your business from major financial loss.
A workers' compensation insurance policy provides benefits to your employees for work-related injuries and illnesses. It may also pay for medical treatment, temporary and permanent disability and death benefits. Requirements for workers’ comp vary by state.
Nearly every state requires businesses to carry workers’ compensation insurance. But even if your state does not have such a requirement, carrying workers comp is still a smart idea that could protect your business if your employee suffers a work-related injury or illness. Workers compensation insurance is also a great way to look out for your employees and their families.
No business is quite like your business, so we can’t tell you what you’ll pay for workers’ compensation insurance without speaking with you. What we can tell you is that your premium will be based on your payroll and industry. Like a good neighbor, your agent can help you consider the unique needs of your business.
This is only a general description of coverages of the available types of business insurance and is not a statement of contract. Details of coverage, limits, or services may not be available for all business and vary in some states. All coverages are subject to the terms, provisions, exclusions, and conditions in the policy itself and in any endorsements. Contact a State Farm agent for more information and a customized quote.
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Life Insurance and annuities are issued by State Farm Life Insurance Company. (Not Licensed in MA, NY, and WI) State Farm Life and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in New York and Wisconsin) Home Office, Bloomington, Illinois.